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Wolf Creek Sheriff (Texas Pack 4) (Prequel) (Wolf Creek Shapeshifters) Page 2

  Colin reached across the table, grabbing her hand. “Stephanie? What is it?”

  She calmed as he slowly rubbed his thumb across her pulse. This was ridiculous. She had an entire story built around her crazy delusion. Why did she always do that? Every person she met was a serial killer just waiting to harm her in some horrible way. Might as well tell him now before this went any further so he could walk away, no harm, no foul.

  Taking a deep breath, “I imagined you were a serial killer intent on setting me loose in your woods and hunting me down before killing me.” Now she waited for him to shake his head and leave the crazy lady sitting at the table all alone as she caught her breath.

  He laughed. His laughter boomed through the room and he actually wiped tears from the corner of his eyes before catching her gaze and laughing even harder.

  Stephanie looked around the room and hunched her shoulders in embarrassment, feeling their heavy stares on her back.

  Now she was getting a little peeved; it wasn’t that funny. Reaching over, she poked him with her butter knife. “Stop that! Everyone’s looking at us,” she whispered furiously.

  Colin looked at the small knife in her hand and almost lost it again. “Breaking news,” he said between breaths. “Sheriff killed in five star restaurant by knife wielding one hundred pound assailant.”

  He wasn’t running. She didn’t know quite what to do now since most men couldn’t handle her unique brand of crazy. Wait, he said one hundred pounds? She was in love; obviously the man wasn’t good at guessing weight. But he was a trained observer. He would have to be good at describing a person when he put out an all points bulletin. She was so confused.

  Colin reached for her hand and gently set the knife aside. “Baby, I don’t mean to laugh at you, but your paranoia is all kinds of bat shit crazy.”

  She tried to jerk her hand away but he held on tight.

  “Hear me out. I understand where you’re coming from with being a cop and all. But hearing that you think I could be that person is so far from who I am, I can’t help but laugh.”

  She felt the heat rush from her chest to her cheeks, but being self aware, she owned her paranoia like a badge of honor.

  “I prefer to think of myself as an informed citizen who’s well aware of all the bad things that could happen.” She huffed and crossed her arms, giving him an elegant nod to show she understood his limitations in comprehending the evil that could be lurking everywhere. He lived in a small town, obviously nothing horrendous ever happened there.

  Colin grinned, flashing those dimples once again. “Baby, you are adorable.”

  She gave up. He was happy in his delusion where everyone lived in harmony. She would just have to educate him on how the world worked.

  Colin stroked the back of her hand. “I know there is evil in the world, but I know there are a lot of good things going on too. I deal with the bad, good, and everything in between. One thing you need to know about me is that I am a protector. You have no need to fear anything, anymore. No one will get past me to get to you.”

  Stephanie pulled back, warily. “Whoa dude. This is a first date and you’re getting really intense, really fast.”

  Colin raked a hand through his hair, releasing her hand. “Sorry about that. I tend to be over protective when it comes to women. No matter how strong a woman is, men will always be stronger. I’m talking physically, not mentally. That’s a whole other conversation. Relax Stephanie, you’re safe with me, that’s the point I’m trying to make. Albeit badly.”

  With a small whoosh of breath, her shoulders released the tension she’d been holding on to.

  Chapter 3

  Colin placed his hand in the small of her back and guided her through the restaurant parking lot to his truck.

  He knew he needed to tone down his intensity so he wouldn’t scare her away. The urge to tell her she was his mate was overwhelming, but he couldn’t; she wasn’t ready. He wrestled with the idea of inviting her to his home for her long weekend off. Trying to come off as harmless and not a creepy stalker guy seemed impossible. He wanted to show her his home, meet his pack, claim her and then change her once they entered the magical pond his entire pack guarded.

  How in the world was he supposed to explain shifters to a human who saw the world in black and white? Thinking of his alpha’s parents Mack and Elizabeth, gave him hope. Elizabeth had been human when she met and mated Mack. He’d never thought to ask how Mack had broken the news to her, since they’d been together for so many years he simply saw them as a united couple.

  He’d already called Rafe to tell his alpha he’d found his mate. Rafe had been thrilled for him as finding one’s mate was a reason to celebrate.

  Scanning the area in an unconscious side effect of being a male werewolf and an officer, he moved to open the passenger door for her. Before he could pull the handle, he felt the air stir with a tinge of magic and pushed her back against the truck, keeping her blocked from whatever phenomenon had decided this was a good place to appear. He growled low in his throat to let whatever it was know he was prepared to fight.

  “What the hell?” Stephanie’s back was up against the truck door as Colin blocked her with his body. His back was to her as she tried to see what was going on over his shoulder.

  “Colin! I need yer help.” Robert, the Faery Queen’s personal guard stood before him in a kilt, white shirt and a sword on his back.

  Colin relaxed once he saw Robert. The Faery Queen and her people are friends to all shifters. She had gifted them with the magical waters enabling them to change their mate. Biting their mates during sex bound their souls together forever. Going into the pond with their mate transformed them into shifters.

  Colin could hear Stephanie’s breathing pick up behind him and it sounded like she was about to hyperventilate.

  He turned and held her by her shoulders. “It’s alright, he’s a friend. I’d like you to meet…”

  Stephanie wrenched herself out of his grasp and ran, making her way around the truck to the open parking lot. Tripping as one of her heels twisted on the asphalt, she fell with her hands slapping the blacktop. The road rash on her palms was secondary to getting away from him. Turning over she ripped her shoes off so that she could run faster.

  Colin stood over her holding his hands up as if he were surrendering, palms facing her while he tried to calm her down. “Baby, you’ve hurt yourself. Please don’t run, everything is fine.”

  * * *

  Stephanie looked at him incredulously. A man appears out of thin air and he says it’s fine? She did not know what was happening but she had no intention of hanging around to find out.

  Gripping one of her heels firmly, she threw it as hard as she could towards his face. She would really hate to mess up those beautiful features, but she felt going for the eyes was a strategic decision.

  She pushed off the ground and turned to run, not waiting around to see if her shoe hit her target. Holding her other shoe as a weapon, she sprinted towards the restaurant hoping she could reach the door before he caught her.

  Instead, she slammed into a chest that was as hard as a brick building. Arms closed around her, binding her own arms to her sides. Looking up, she stared into a face so beautiful she was momentarily lost for words.

  “Nae more running, lass. Yer scaring yer mate,” the beautiful man said. “Slow yer breathing, before you pass out.”

  Stephanie gulped air like she was gobbling water in a desert; stupefied at the man holding her.

  Colin walked up and pulled her from Robert. Tugging the other shoe from her hand, he tossed it to Robert, along with the one she’d thrown at him.

  Taking a deep breath, she opened her mouth to scream but stopped when Colin’s hand closed over her lips.

  “We cannae talk here,” Robert said and put a hand on Colin’s shoulder.

  “Oh shit,” Colin whispered as they were whisked away to Faery.

  * * *

  Stephanie closed her eyes as her head sta
rted to spin. Vertigo at its finest. Her body was not in sync with her head. She felt heavy and listless, craving a comfortable bed and a long nap.

  Opening her eyes, she blinked at the sky. It was purple. Not the after a storm purple, sun going down kind. It was muted lavender with some soft pink hues, amazingly beautiful and serene.

  She heard men’s voices rumbling as she was carried. Carried? Her jumbled thoughts collided as she tried to remember what happened.

  Colin tightened his hold as she came awake in his arms. “You’ll feel better in a bit after you rest.”

  She looked around when he took her up the steps to a front porch that reminded her of an old farmhouse.

  “Am I dead?” she asked. Cause this place sure seemed like heaven to her.

  Her body jiggled as he laughed, setting up a small bout of nausea.

  “Please, don’t move or that nice dinner will be all for naught,” she whispered, as memories returned.

  “Take her on inside Colin and put her in my guest bedroom. Fae traveling sometimes upsets humans.” Robert paused before grinning. “And alphas. Rafe is a wimp when it comes to realm travel.”

  Colin dimpled weakly before nodding, feeling the affects himself.

  Walking smoothly to the bedroom so as not to disturb his mate any more than she already was, he made his way to the bed and gently laid her down.

  He placed two fingers over her lips when she started to speak. “No, no talking. Just listen. I’ll explain everything to you once you’ve had a nap. You’re not dead, or crazy. The Fae are magical creatures that live in another realm and that’s all I’m saying for now. You’re not the only one that doesn’t like travelling that way.”

  Colin lay beside her on his side, resting a hand on her stomach and thinking he would stay with her only until she fell asleep. He needed to find out why Robert wanted his help. As the Queen’s guard, Robert was quite capable of handling things on his own.

  Studying her, he watched as her muscles relaxed and her breathing deepened signaling sleep. With the bomb dropped on her by Robert’s appearance, her world was changing faster than her mind and body could adjust.

  Colin sighed heavily, not looking forward to the moment when he would tell her about shifters. Hoping she wasn’t a fan of B-rated werewolf movies, he rolled to his back before sitting up and running a hand through his hair. He’d have to undo any preconceived notions she may have. He left the bedroom door open slightly so he could listen for her as he went in search of Robert.

  * * *

  Stephanie stretched, smiling as she awoke feeling energized and ready to enjoy her four-day weekend. Her smile fell as she looked around a room filled with heavy, dark mahogany furniture and paintings that seemed to be three-dimensional. Staring at the picture of a meadow with flowers, she watched as a honeybee floated from stem to stem…and remembered.

  Slapping a hand over her mouth, she stopped the scream from escaping that was building up inside her. Everything she knew was thrown into a chaotic maelstrom in her mind. The biggest shock was learning of the dimension she now found herself in. Panicking, she wondered what she should do. Find Colin? Was she safe with him? This was so much worse than basements with serial killers, she thought hysterically.

  She needed to calm down, think rationally. Rubbing her eyes wearily, behaving rationally seemed a bit beyond her at the moment. Still lying on her back, she held her hands out in front of her and watched as they trembled slightly. The black smudges on the back of her hands motivated her to find a bathroom as she imagined her mascara was now probably a smear of goo under her eyes.

  Going into the en suite, she closed the door behind her and looked in the mirror, groaning when she saw her appearance. She had no choice, she had to scrub the rest of her makeup off or look like a dirty street urchin. Water ran down her chin and dripped into the sink as she splashed more water on her face before using the hand soap dispenser liberally. After drying her face on a towel, she looked up in the mirror once again. Feeling better, she smiled at herself and almost groaned at how tight her skin felt. She doubted her host would have any face lotion.

  She was delaying the inevitable by hiding in the bathroom. At some point she would have to come out and face Colin and Robert.

  Opening the door, she saw Colin sitting on the bed, patiently waiting. God he was so beautiful, his half grin showing he was unsure of his welcome, but still those dimples were in attendance.

  She sighed and leaned against the doorframe as she mentally listed his pros and cons. His pros outnumbered his cons, especially since she couldn’t come up with one con. She couldn’t really slam him for taking her to another place, that was Robert’s doing.

  “Baby, sit with me?” Colin held his hand out, beckoning.

  She couldn’t resist his appeal, an almost metaphysical pull to be near him. Reaching out, she placed her hand in his and let him pull her between his legs. He turned her to sit on the edge with her back to his front while resting his chin on her shoulder. With him wrapped around her, she felt safer than she ever had in her life. He made her feel like nothing could harm her; she trusted him to keep her shielded and cocooned. She wanted to stay in this place where he protected her and she would never fear evil touching her. She knew reality was a breath away, but she wanted to cling to this feeling as long as she could. She felt him take a deep breath before he spoke.

  “I need to tell you about a few things,” he started.

  She snorted. “Really?”

  Colin laughed, relaxing a little. “Yeah, that was an understatement. Let’s get more comfortable.”

  Before she knew it, his back was against the headboard and she was between his thighs, resting her back against him with her legs stretched out while being surrounded by him. She laid her head back on his shoulder and waited, enjoying his arms around her as he rested his hands across her waist. There was a quiet intimacy growing between them that she’d never known with another man.

  “I’m going to tell you a story about the Faery people, shifters, wizards, witches, and other magical beings,” he said.

  Stephanie gasped. “There’s more than just the Fae? Are you Fae?”

  “Much more than you could even imagine. There are different realms, beings, and creatures that share our space in different dimensions. And no, I’m not Fae.” Colin hesitated. “I’m a wolf shifter.”

  Chapter 4

  Stephanie shook in his arms, not with fear but laughter.

  “A werewolf? Howl at the moon werewolf?” she asked.

  “Yup, that’s me, but we prefer shifter.” Colin thought she was taking this pretty well.

  She turned her head and looked up at him. “You’re not kidding, are you?”

  She couldn’t handle this; it was too much. She struggled to get out of his arms.

  “It’s okay, Stephanie. I’d never harm you, you’re my mate, the one person in all the worlds that was made just for me.”

  She was numb with shock. Her struggles soon stopped as they were pointless against his strength. She wasn’t afraid, somehow knowing he was her protector. This was so weird. She wondered if this was what soul mates felt as she listened to him speaking about bonding, magic ponds and turning her into a shifter.

  “Wait…What?” She turned and sat on her heels, facing him.

  Colin stared into her eyes, wanting her to feel the depth of his connection with her.

  “The Faery Queen gifted all shifters with the ability to change their mates. My pack guards the water from any evil being that would try to use it. I think it has been centuries since anyone tried. Anyway, once we mate, we’ll walk into the water and you’ll be changed into a shifter by magic.” Colin waited silently.

  “What’s it like being a wolf shifter?” she asked.

  He smiled. “It’s wonderful. You see better at night, you heal faster, you’re stronger and once changed, mates can speak telepathically. The waters entwine our souls together for eternity.”

  “Eternity? That’s scary. Wha
t if we’re not really mates? What then?” she asked.

  He leaned forward and gave her a light kiss on her nose. “We’re mates, there’s no doubt. Can’t you feel it? We’re been bonding since we met, our souls pulling us together to combine and be one.”

  She thought about it. She had felt drawn to him, like she’d known him before. But… A werewolf?

  She looked out the window to see the sun fading in the sky. “Do you have to wait for the full moon to change?”

  He laughed. “You’ve seen too many movies. No, I can change any time I want. Do you want to see?”

  She gulped, afraid to answer. Did she believe him? Only one way to be sure. She nodded tentatively.

  He scooted off the bed and she moved to dangle her legs over the side.

  Crossing her arms across her chest, she tried to look comfortable and unafraid as she watched him remove his clothes. Averting her eyes, she waited.

  “Look at me baby, it happens fast.” He winked at her.

  Skimming his chest, she made a quick study of his body. He was huge. Everywhere. Trying to avoid staring directly there, she looked to his thighs, which were thick with muscle.

  Before she finished her inspection, there was a shimmer in the air and a huge blonde wolf stood by the bed. He had light and dark blonde streaks running through his coat.

  Amazing! He had really changed into a wolf. She stayed seated at the end of the bed, amazed.

  She reached out tentatively and touched his huge head, running a hand down his back. His fur reminded her of a Golden Retriever, soft and long. She felt a tingle as the air wavered again and Colin once more stood before her. She dropped her hand quickly as once he changed back, her hand was no longer running down his spine. After pulling on his jeans and t-shirt, he pulled her into his arms, loosely resting his arms around her waist.

  “See? Nothing to it. Someday you’ll change just as fast and we can go running together in the woods,” he said, gently leading her through the doorway to where Robert waited.