Wolf Creek Sheriff (Texas Pack 4) (Prequel) (Wolf Creek Shapeshifters) Read online
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“You have nothing to apologize for, Quinn. You saved her life, nothing else matters.”
Colin gently stroked her cheek, staring at her face for a reaction of any kind. “Can you take us home? I need to tuck her away in our den where I know my pack is close by.” It was a wolf thing, wanting his mate to be protected and secure.
Colin picked her up, squeezing her tight in his arms as Quinn touched his shoulder and whisked them home in the blink of an eye.
“Thanks man,” Colin said simply.
Quinn nodded. “Colin, she helped. She pulled in the magic from us like a vacuum cleaner. I’ve never seen anyone do that before. I think Faery agrees with her.” Saluting, he grinned and disappeared.
Colin tucked her into bed and sat down by her, brushing the hair back from her face. He understood her body was in a deep sleep and healing, but couldn’t wait to see her smile again.
Undressing, he slid in with his body next to hers, his hand resting on her stomach. He doubted he would sleep as the events played out over and over in his head.
* * *
Her body felt heavy and listless. Frowning, she tried to remember if she’d been sick and everything came crashing in all at once. Gasping she jerked as if trying to get away.
“It’s okay baby, you’re safe,” Colin murmured, leaning over her.
Oh, thank God. She was in her own bed and not being held by a crazy ass dragon.
“What...” She cleared her throat and started again. “What happened?”
Colin rested his head on his hand, laying out beside her and using his other hand to dance his fingers along her belly.
She giggled, pushing his hand away from the ticklish spot.
“Short version? Ian sniped Amon and when he fell, he sliced your jugular.”
Oh, now she remembered. That whistling noise, yeah, she’d have to thank Ian later. There’d been a lot of blood, her blood, not his. It had been messy, but not in the way she’d thought it’d be. Or maybe Amon had been messy but she hadn’t had to see that. Thank goodness.
“How did I survive? Did Rafe force me to shift?”
“No, baby. You didn’t have enough energy to shift. Quinn took you took Faery and the dragons healed you. Dragons are healers, you know.”
She harrumphed. “No, I didn’t know that. One of these days you’re going to start telling me things and not assume I already know things you’ve known for a hundred years!”
“Okay baby, I’ll work on that.” He was grinning.
She switched gears, which would always keep him on his toes. “I need to thank the dragons, maybe throw a big party for my army.”
“Army?” Colin asked.
“Yup, you, Rafe, Ian, Quinn, Robert. I guess I’ll throw Devlin in as one of my soldiers, he must have been in the fight somewhere. Guess I need to add my dragon friends too. My army is growing.”
“I’m sure Devlin will be thrilled to know he wasn’t left out. He was manning the station and trying to keep a nosy reporter out of our business.”
She rolled over to face him, and reached up to trace those beautiful dimples. “I love you baby. Thanks for going to Dallas to attend boring meetings and hanging around the dispatchers office.”
He reached up and traced the slight scar on her neck. “Thank you for living, sweetheart. I never want to see you hurt again, threatened in any way. I don’t think I could survive it.”
She snuggled up next to him, counting their blessings.
The End
Also by Jo Ellen
Wolf Creek Alpha (Texas Pack 1)
Wolf Creek Enforcer (Texas Pack 2)
Wolf Creek Ghosts (Texas Pack 3)